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  1. Open Shopify, then please go to the Settings. General step 1
  2. Next click on Store details. General step 2
  3. Here you will find the general settings. The second item is Shop address. Please fill in the Legal name of company field. General step 3 This information is taken from our app in the General settings. This name will then be part of the shipping address and will be printed on each label. If you do not fill this in you will not be able to create labels with Post & DHL Shipping.


  1. Open Shopify, then please go to the Settings Locations step 1
  2. Now please click on Locations. Locations step 2
  3. Here you can now add your company location, this data will be taken over by our app. Locations step 3

Shipping confirmation

Once you have created a label for your customer's order, the tracking number is automatically added to Shopify Fulfilment and sent to the customer. We explain how to get to these settings here.

  1. Open Shopify, then please go to the Settings Shipping confirmation step 1
  2. Click please on Notifications. Shipping confirmation step 2
  3. The point Shipping confirmations shows you the email which will send to your customer. Shipping confirmation step 3

Settings for international shipping


Please note that you have previously filled in the Weight, the HS-Code and the Customs Description for all your products. These are required for international shipping and to prepare the customs documents.

Weight and HS code

For shipping, the weight is required in order to select the appropriate shipping method. The HS code is used to identify and code the goods for the same classification worldwide.

  1. Open Shopify.
  2. Click on Products.
  3. To edit a product click on an Article. Article
  4. Now you will find the setting for Shipping in the middle of this page.
  5. Here you can now set the weight as well as the HS-Code.
    Shipping settings
  6. Please save your changes.

Shopify offers you the possibility to add HS code, as well as the country of origin in the bulk process. Here you can find the instruction.

Customs description

In order to successfully create customs documents, you need a customs description for all your products. How to add this is explained here.

  1. Open Shopify, please go to the Post & DHL Shipping App.
  2. Now you are on the Dashboard of our app.
  3. Then please click on Products. Dashboard
  4. Now you will see all your products listed, select one and click on Edit. Products
  5. The product will now be opened for you, next please select the field you would like to edit. Edit
  6. Now please add in the column Customs description a description, which will be needed afterwards for the customs documents. edit and save
  7. Please save your changes!

International shipping settings for multiple products

  1. Open Shopify, please go to the Post & DHL Shipping App.
  2. Now you are on the Dashboard of our app.
  3. Then please click on Products. Dashboard
  4. Now please select some products which you want to edit. Edit
  5. In the next step please select all fields you want to edit. Edit
  6. Don't forget to save all changes afterwards.